Daily Build

Today, we're happy to announce that an alpha version of tvOS (Apple TV) is available, starting in daily build 2015.2765. Alpha vs Beta Corona's support for tvOS is currently in an alpha state. In a nutshell, this means we have proven that Corona can work on tvOS. Concretely, the 'PewPew' demo sample works, but almost no testing has been done beyond that. We've learned it's generally a bad idea to release things too early. As a result, we normally choose to delay things until they reach Beta-level maturity. However, we felt it was important to give you an opportunity to play with tvOS/Apple TV...

More good news for Facebook integration. Coinciding with the recent beta release of Facebook-v4 on Android, we've launched the iOS version of the Facebook v4 plugin! The iOS version does come with a couple caveats to be aware of: iOS 6 is not supported with this plugin. This is due to Facebook dropping iOS 6 support with version 4+ of their SDK. iOS 9 is supported with a couple additional setup steps detailed here. Improvements In addition to iOS, we've done another Facebook SDK update to get you the latest fixes from them. The iOS version of Facebook-v4 targets Facebook SDK 4.5.1. and the Android version...

At the beginning of this year, I outlined new platforms as a major theme for 2015. And a few months later, at GDC, we announced bringing Mac App and Win32 App support to the Corona platform. Since then, we've been conducting private betas with a small group of Corona developers. Today, we are opening up the Mac App and Win32 App betas to everyone in the Corona community!...