18 November 2016
From the Forum – Issue #143
Welcome to this week’s From the Forum. Each week, we highlight a few Corona Labs Community Forum posts that cover important topics.
It’s a confetti party!
Corona includes a pretty powerful particle emitter system which has a slew of parameters. A recent forum poster wanted to have confetti fly when the player won the game, but the confetti had “transparency” which allowed the background to show through, an effect that wasn’t desired. Corona’s own Brent Sorrentino chimed in with a “solid” answer. Head over to the original thread to learn how to control the OpenGL blending properties of particles.
A command performance
The concept of a “command line” doesn’t make sense in the mobile or TV space, in contrast to desktop operating systems where opening the Terminal or Command Prompt is a common practice. Wouldn’t it be great to start up a Corona-built desktop app using additional parameters? Fortunately, this option is supported through command line arguments. In this thread, Corona Engineer Josh Quick explains how to run your Corona apps using this additional information… oh, and it does work on mobile and TV, through URL schemes and push notifications!
But I did remove the object!
Getting a grasp on memory management can be a challenge. With Lua, understanding who has references to objects can present challenges to even seasoned developers. In this case, the poster noticed that a table that had been removed and nil
‘ed seemed to have a ghost table hanging around. Fortunately, expert Corona developers @torbenratzlaff and @roaminggamer explain in the thread how to ensure the release of all references to an object.
Do you have a particular forum thread that was helpful for you? Let us know about it. Email support@coronalabs.com and put FTF: and the forum title in the subject and include the URL in the email and we will consider adding it to an upcoming From the Forum.
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