Corona SDK now supports PlayHaven

Corona SDK now supports PlayHaven

logo_lrg_blkWe’re happy to announce that PlayHaven is our latest Corona Plugin partner! As a Corona developer, you can now integrate PlayHaven’s acquisition, engagement and monetization tools into your Corona-built games.

About PlayHaven’s services
PlayHaven is the business engine for mobile games offering developers flexible tools to intelligently manage player acquisition, engagement, and monetization. PlayHaven provides the only end-to-end solution that helps developers manage users at every valuable point in their lifecycle.

PlayHaven is available for iOS and Android games – solutions include:

  • PlayHaven Acquire: power successful app launches and continuously drives high quality users into your game.
  • PlayHaven Engage: create and deliver targeted, personalized messages in and out of the game that keep users engaged in your app.
  • PlayHaven Monetize: grow revenue by creating and deploying in-app purchase promotions and relevant ads to targeted user segments.

Accessing the PlayHaven Plugin
You can integrate the PlayHaven plugin by adding a few lines of code to your build settings file. For information on integrating PlayHaven into your Corona-powered games, please see the plugin documentation.

More on Corona Plugins
Corona Plugins offer Corona developers access to popular third party tools and services. Announced in mid-May, plugin partners include SponsorPay, Fortumo, Photon Cloud, Green Throttle, Inneractive, Fortumo, Carrot, Tap for Tap and many more!

Visit the Corona Plugin Directory for a complete list of plugins. We’ll be rolling out support for more plugins soon, so check back for updates.

  • Ed
    Posted at 09:54h, 05 September

    This is really great news, thank you a lot for this!
    Could you please tell which minimum build number should be used together with this plugin?
    In documentation mentioned build number 2013.1202, but I’ve tried with my current one 2013.1197 and it is also working. It is Ok to use it with the older build also?


    • David
      Posted at 11:13h, 05 September

      Ed – you will probably be fine with #1197. The number in the docs is just the last number that testing was done with, so it will work for sure. But most of the time it will be backward compatible (unless it somehow uses somehting that was not previously available).

  • Phil Smith
    Posted at 01:57h, 06 September

    Just added play haven into an app and it works great on iOS and most of my Android hardware. However on my HTC Desire S it throws up this error when I call init – java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError any ideas?

  • Inna Treyger
    Posted at 07:56h, 06 September

    Hi Phil – Can you please post your question to the PlayHaven forum thread? We’ll assist you there.


    • Damir
      Posted at 08:01h, 06 September

      I am getting this when clicking the forum link:

      Sorry, we couldn’t find that!

      You do not have permission to view this forum.


      • Inna Treyger
        Posted at 08:10h, 06 September

        Hi Damir – Are you logged in?

        Once you’re logged in, you can access this forum by going to, and clicking on the PlayHaven thread under “Corona Plugins.”

        Let me know if the issue is resolved.


  • Phil Smith
    Posted at 08:36h, 06 September

    Hi Inna

    I can’t access that part of the forum either. I posted under Android here:

    • Inna
      Posted at 09:26h, 06 September

      We just fixed a permission setting on this thread. Everyone should be able to access the forum thread now. Apologies for the confusion, please let me know if you have any issues.


      • Phil Smith
        Posted at 05:01h, 09 September

        Hi Inna, I still haven’t heard back from anyone about the Android 2.2 compatibility problem?

  • Arsalan Shah
    Posted at 14:40h, 06 September

    Is ‘playhaven’ available only on the upgraded version of Corona SDK(The purchased one)? 🙁

  • Arsalan Shah
    Posted at 10:34h, 13 September

    Hi J.A Whye. Yes, the webpage says so but the Corona SDK still pops up the error which says that you can not download that plugin until you upgrade your SDK.

The website is no longer being updated, and is for archival purposes only.


Corona SDK is now Solar2D
