Corona Weekly Update: Fixing bugs

Corona Weekly Update: Fixing bugs

While we work on lots of features that make mobile app development easier, I want to highlight all the bug fixing that’s been going on in parallel.

We’ve been very vigilant about regressions introduced in daily builds, but if there was one eye sore in our bugbase it was the bugs in the widget framework. We have attacked them with renewed vigor.

Here’s a list of the widget enhancements we’ve made:

  • Fixes the tableView scrollbar skinning with imageSheets. Fixes casenum 23646.
  • Corrects the switch instantiation via image sheet. Fixes casenum 23648.
  • Adds a custom params table to the insertRow ethod of the tableview, allowing for easy attachment of custom data to table rows. Fixes casenum 23811.
  • Fixes the touch permission variable or tableviews if the view has hit bottom or top limit. Fixes casenum 23406.
  • Added instance methods setScrollWidth() / setScrollHeight(). Fixes casenum 22869, casenum 21859.
  • Exposes the stepper inc/dec speed and iteration number properties. Fixes casenum 21958.
  • Creates the API method resizeView( newWidth ) for the progressView widget, allowing resize after creation. Fixes casenum 21874.
  • Enables choosing elements in the picker widget by tapping on them. Fixes casenum 21788
  • Fixes the tabBar selected image to scale to custom height if defined. Fixes casenum 21961.
  • Return the correct value in the Picker when the user taps on a value. Casenum 24148
  • Removed delay in resetting the tapped cell’s background color. Casenum 24263
  • Picker view autocap text when defining large labels, and solving up the scroll issues at high speed to one of the list ends. Casenum 23290
  • fixes involuntary scrolling after tapping and holding. Casenum 24244, 22607
  • Added tap event to the tabbar, fixes tap event propagation on the widgets behind tab bars. Casenum 24126
  • Fixes TabBar errors when custom images not supplied. Casenum 23996
  • The scrollview gets the .isBounceEnabled property that allows the view to bounce back or not, like the native behaviour. Casenum: 21357
  • Fixes changing scroll direction when the swipe occurs near one of the view limits. Casenum 22607, 24316

We have a few more fixes coming, but widgets are a lot more polished now!

Starting in tomorrow’s daily build (1150 or later), we’ll also be fixing a regression introduced late last week where certain plugins were not getting downloaded. This only affects plugins used in the Corona Simulator. Your device builds are unaffected.

On top of that, we have also finished a ton of other polish items such as removing auto-suggestion on Android password fields, improved handling of disposed/invalid audio streams, and ensuring multi-byte POSTs pass the correct content length.

There were also several pesky Windows-only bugs:

  • Remember position of console window between restarts; reduce flashing of windows on startup – no casenum
  • Fixed an issue where you can’t zoom out after zooming all the way in.
  • Fixed bug where display.newText() would remove trailing spaces on Windows
  • Fix issue with two instances of Simulator starting when a lua file was specified on the command line – fixes casenum 23206

If you are using 3rd party tools that integrate with the Corona Simulator, that last one is something you’re really going to like!

  • J. A. Whye
    Posted at 00:34h, 25 June

    Any clue on when the widget fixes will hit the Github version of the widget library?

    While I can get the daily builds, the people viewing my tutorial videos can’t necessarily, so I tend to use widgets from Github almost exclusively now.


    • alexf
      Posted at 02:28h, 25 June

      Hi Jay,

      They will be published today.


  • Tom
    Posted at 06:45h, 25 June

    Why tableView cannot be scroll vertical and horizontal at the same time ? I mean to scroll widget diagonally. This is a bug or not ?


  • alexf
    Posted at 08:47h, 25 June


    The table view will never be able to do that. Just the scrollview will, and for that you already posted a bug report which is in the works atm.


    • dave
      Posted at 20:20h, 14 October

      Hi Alex,

      Could you advise if this has been fixed? I really could do with scrolling diagonally.. or is there a way around it that you know of using some clever code?



      • dave
        Posted at 20:20h, 14 October

        this is for the scrollview…

  • Kerem
    Posted at 17:11h, 25 June

    Widget fixes sound great! Thanks for the renewed focus. Most appreciated.

  • Simon
    Posted at 04:37h, 01 August

    The bounce property still cannot be disabled. I tried the following.

    scrollView = widget.newScrollView
    top = 0,
    left = 0,
    width = screenWidth,
    height = screenHeight,
    scrollWidth = 640,
    scrollHeight = 3000,
    listener = scrollListener,
    hideScrollBar = true,
    scrollView.isBounceEnabled = false

    And the scrollview still bounces.

The website is no longer being updated, and is for archival purposes only.


Corona SDK is now Solar2D
