20 June 2013
Promotion: The Corona SDK Summer Blowout
Today we’re kicking off summer with a fantastic promotion for mobile developers!
Purchase Corona SDK Pro between now and June 30, 2013 and we’ll:
- Add 2 FREE months to your subscription (a $100 value!)
- Give you FREE licenses to 2 third party tools of your choice (up to a $100 value!)
To redeem this offer, all you have to do is:
- Purchase Corona SDK Pro
- Forward your email receipt to summerpromo@coronalabs.com
- In the email, specify which 2 of the 5 available third party tools you want (listed below)
We will add the 2 months on to your subscription and reply within 48 hours with instructions on how get your free tool licenses.
That’s it! We hope you enjoy the summer and build some amazing cross-platform apps!
Please note:
- Promotion only applies to purchases of Corona SDK Pro at full price
- Promotion is only valid until 11:59pm (US Pacific time) on June 30, 2013
- If you’re eligible to renew at $349/year, you will receive two free months with your purchase but not the 2 third party tools
- If you buy an educational license, you will receive two free months with your purchase but not the 2 third party tools
- We cannot make exceptions for purchases made outside the promotional period
Available Third Party Tools:
Level Director (normal price: $15)
Level Director is a level creation tool written specifically for use with Corona SDK and Windows OS. The toolset provided allows you to rapidly create title screens and levels with ease and export them to LUA code. Features include a physics body polygon editor, collision editor, animation sequences, sprite sheets, Bezier curves, text objects and more. For more information, visit retrofitproductions.com/level-director.
Outlaw IDE (normal price: $29.99)
Outlaw IDE is for anyone who develops mobile apps using Corona SDK. Drag in a folder, click ‘launch,’ and the project will be up and running in the simulator. The tool manages all the projects and assets (source code files, graphics, audio files and more) that go into your app so you can quickly switch from one to another, swap out assets, and enjoy a smoother workflow. For more information, visit outlawgametools.com.
TexturePackerPro + PhysicsEditor Bundle (normal price $39.95)
TexturePacker comes with a full featured graphical user interface including multi-touch support, zooming and a tree view with all used sprites. The extremely fast layout algorithm shows all changes in real-time!
With PhysicsEditor, editing your physics shapes has never been easier. PhysicsEditor allows you to simply drag your shapes inside the editor and press the auto trace button. No more clicking. Then adjust the shape’s physics parameters and directly export to your game development framework. For more information, visit codeandweb.com.
SpriteHelper 1x PRO + LevelHelper PRO + CodeHelper PRO (normal price: $49.95)
SpriteHelper is an atlas generator, physics editor and sprite sheet animations editor that supports dynamic content scaling. Pack your sprites into very small and optimised image files and create multiple physical shapes per sprite by taking advantage of auto-trace and the ability to add holes.
LevelHelper is a comprehensive and efficient level editor that helps populate your game worlds in a matter of minutes.
CodeHelper is an advanced IDE for Corona developers that includes a debugger, multiple views editor, auto-complete, code folding, tabs, themes, symbol navigator, code snippets, error tracker, console and more. For more information, visit gamedevhelper.com.
Lua Glider IDE (normal price: $49.99)
Lua Glider is an advanced IDE for SDK professionals and beginners alike. Features include: an advanced debugger, variables explorer, call stack, adaptive auto-complete, built-in documentation, real-time breakpoints, split screen support, asset preview, simulator remote, and lots more. Lua Glider is cross-platform for both Mac and Windows. For more information, visit mydevelopersgames.com/glider.
Posted at 11:27h, 21 JuneIf you’re eligible to renew at $349/year, you will receive two free months with your purchase but not the 2 third party tools
We cannot make exceptions for purchases made outside the promotional period
I know the answer to this will be NO based on the latter rule quoted above but here goes… I renewed my Pro license sometime in April in anticipation for the 1st May deadline for the new pricing.
Had I not renewed it I would still be eligible for the $349 since you have been giving the leeway to developers to renew at the old price if they were eligible to renew at that price as of 1st May…
Had I not renewed back then and chosen to renew now taking advantage of this offer I would literally have gotten 4 more months out of my $349. This really hurts.
I would like to be given at least the 2 months now offered to folks renewing at $349. This would also in part offset the time I wasted waiting on the Cloud…
Thank you for considering. Regards,
Larry Meadows
Posted at 05:58h, 22 JuneI am actually in the process of renewing now so I’ll be getting the two months anyway but I think your correct, that sounds fair to me, but I am just a speck of a developer so what do i know, Good Luck,
David Rangel
Posted at 15:24h, 22 JuneHey Kerem,
Couple of things:
– we do have to set some sort of deadline, otherwise with any promo there would be no limit to who is/isn’t eligible
– however, in your case, when you renewed a couple of months ago, the year was *added on* to your subscription at that point. So you did not lose 2 months by renewing early. Also, be renewing before the deadline you got an extra 2 renewals at $349, which I imagine you will use in 2014 and again in 2015.
If you had waited to renew now, then you would have gotten 2 extra months with this promo, but you would now be using up 1 of the renewals and would only have one more (in 2014) at $349. So I think it all shakes out ok in the end.
Anyway, that is getting a bit confusing. Email me (david@) and we’ll figure something out.
Posted at 15:25h, 23 JuneI’m interested, but I don’t need the third party tools, because the ones I’d like I already purchased before… So, can I get a pro cheaper?
Posted at 05:27h, 28 JuneI would like to know how I can get a promo code to renew my subscription that will expire tomorrow.
David Rangel
Posted at 09:23h, 28 JuneJoanne – please email renewals@coronalabs.com